
Gather has formulated a detailed ecosystem roadmap to showcase the company's future development direction and plans.

2023 Q1

Establishment of Gather Limited in Hong Kong

Settling in the Digital Cyberport of Hong Kong Web3.0 Industrial Park

2023 Q2

Official entry of Gather Network into the R&D stage

Team expansion

DePIN hardware device design initiation

Partnership with Asia Pacific University of Technology

2023 Q3

First product launch event in Hong Kong

Commencement of DePIN device pre-sale

Signing of national agencies in Japan and Malaysia

2023 Q4

Formal cooperation with the Malaysian Ministry of Digitalization

Product development and verification

Commencement of device production

Construction of public chain network

Estimated investment of 26 million Malaysian Ringgit

Construction of Kuala Lumpur data center and property

Signing of South Korean national agency

2024 Q1

Joining the Blockchain Research Institute of Columbia University

Signing of agencies in Cambodia, Laos, Samoa, Vietnam, Dubai

Arrival of 5000 hardware devices shipped to Kuala Lumpur data center

Further internal testing of Gather Network

G-box listing, testing, and activation

Expected signing of agencies in Singapore and India

2024 Q2

Joining the Web3.0 Laboratory of Cambridge University

Joining the Web3.0 Park in Dubai

Opening ceremony of Kuala Lumpur data center

Simultaneous launch of governmental service database function

Trial operation of Malaysian government's digital office requirements

GAT listing on exchanges,

Launch of Gather application

2024 Q3

Launch of OS testing module for Gather

Allowing DApp development deployment

Allowing ecosystem operation based on Gather construction

Design of G-BOX 2nd generation product

2024 Q4

Internal testing of G-BOX 2nd generation product

Obtaining more cooperative institutions

2025 Q1

Testing and launch of G-Box 2nd generation product

Global data center deployment testing

Testing of communication information processing AI

2025 Q2

Advancement of Gather Network ecosystem application deployment

Establishment of developer community

Joint incubation of Gather Network applications with major institutions

2025 Q3-Q4

Operation of 100,000 G-Box nodes

Deployment of over 3 ground data centers

Meeting satellite signal interaction requirements

Testing of global communication capabilities


Landing of Gather Phone product line

Realization of global communication based on Gather Network

Realization of data communication based on Gather Network


Official launch of Gather Operating System

Landing of Gather Network digital bank

Last updated