
Top-Secret Communication Expert Operating on Distributed Servers

1. Market Background

1.1 Social Products as the Cornerstone of Communication

Social networks refer to the networked relationships between individuals, externalized on the Internet into various social networking software. These applications can be classified into communication tools and social platforms based on their functional attributes. Among them, there is one type of product that is indispensable and irreplaceable, with its stickiness not derived from the product itself, but from the users' social relationships—that is, instant messaging software. While different star products may emerge in different periods, over time, many products gradually decline. Instant messaging software, however, only changes its form of expression but never shows signs of decline. Social products are the cornerstone of modern human communication, especially in the digital age, where they have become essential for our daily lives, work, and social interactions. However, with the continuous development of the Internet, we find that many social products fail to provide sufficient security protection. Various data collection and authorizations expose our private information to serious risks of leakage. Although there are many social products on the market claiming to protect user privacy, they often cannot provide genuine confidential protection, requiring us to remain cautious when using these software applications.

From a business perspective, internet-based social interactions still carry an "original sin." People have been using internet social products for free, but we have found that the cost of this free usage is the sale of personal information as a commodity by platforms. This is because the main profit model of internet social media is to analyze user behavior data and provide precise advertising for advertisers.

The technological development of Web3.0 has provided fertile soil for Gather's confidential social product. Gather is a social product based on blockchain and patented hardware technology, and it is currently the only solution in the world that can achieve truly confidential social interactions. As experts in confidential communication, Gather allows us to communicate online with greater peace of mind.

The key features of Gather lie in its security and reliability, providing users with practical social scenarios and confidential experiences. Firstly, Gather adopts blockchain technology to ensure the immutability and traceability of information. This means that no one can alter information that has already been sent or received, while also ensuring the authenticity and integrity of the information. Secondly, Gather utilizes hardware technology and principles of encryption to ensure that chat content is not intercepted or monitored during transmission. This technology encrypts chat content into ciphertext, which can only be decrypted by the receiving party using a key after the message is received. This encryption method is one of the most advanced encryption methods available, effectively preventing chat content from being decrypted or leaked.

In addition to its security and reliability, Gather boasts other excellent features. It can understand natural language and generate corresponding responses based on AI components. These responses are clear, logically sound, and precise in reasoning, making communication smoother and more natural for users when using Gather. Furthermore, Gather supports multiple languages and input methods, allowing users to communicate in their preferred language regardless of their location.

Gather is a powerful and secure social product. Its existence provides us with a safer and more convenient means of communication. Whether in work, study, or daily life, we can use Gather to protect our privacy and enjoy a more reassuring communication experience.

1.2 Advantages of DePIN over Traditional Communication Structures

1.2.1 Inherent Problems

1)Platform Companies' Autocratic Control Over Users

Traditional social products exhibit numerous drawbacks, such as the inability to guarantee the security and privacy of user data, and the ease with which chat records and other data can be accessed by platform companies for commercial purposes. In contrast, emerging social product platforms place greater emphasis on the security and privacy protection of user data, and offer more diverse functionalities and services, such as voice recognition and intelligent customer service, to provide users with a more convenient and efficient user experience.

However, these platform companies also face some issues, such as having autocratic control over user data management. Users cannot freely control their data, and platforms can freeze, mute, or even delete users at any time. Therefore, when choosing social products, users should carefully compare the data management and usage policies of different platform companies to select services that are more secure and personalized. However, aside from the aforementioned human management mechanisms, we hope for data security management without human intervention, as wherever there are people, there are social dynamics, and wherever there are social dynamics, there are worldly affairs.

2)Platform's Traffic Value Belongs Solely to the Platform

In the traditional Web 2.0 internet platform, all traffic value belongs to the platform itself, leading to centralized monopolies. However, in the era of Web3.0, with the rise of the value internet, the value will be returned to users. The underlying philosophy of this shift is decentralization, giving users more control and ownership over their data and traffic.

The Web 3.0 era emphasizes more decentralized governance models and user participation, with returning traffic value to users being an important aspect. However, traffic itself is still generated by the platform, and users mainly possess their data and rights on the platform. Gather adheres to the spirit of Web 3.0, setting all token consumption scenarios as staking or destruction modes. The Gather platform does not directly profit from traffic, and all traffic value belongs to token holders.

1.2.2 Operational Costs

1) High Initial Equipment Procurement Costs

Traditional internet companies face significant expenses in server equipment and data center investments. As data and user volume grow, they need to continuously upgrade or replace equipment, which becomes a significant burden.

The instant messaging software market also faces similar issues. To provide instant messaging services, internet companies need to invest heavily in building and maintaining servers to meet users' demands for real-time communication. Additionally, they must address the growing demands for user data and information transmission, leading to significant hardware upgrade expenses.

These issues may make it difficult for some small or emerging internet companies to enter the instant messaging software market because they lack the resources to bear these high equipment procurement and data center investment costs. This may lead to further concentration of market power among a few dominant companies, as only large companies have the resources and capital to address these challenges.

However, with technological advancements, new solutions have emerged to address these issues. For example, the emergence of cloud computing and virtualization technologies, Web3 nodes, and DePIN concepts allow small and emerging companies to reduce equipment procurement and data center investment costs. Additionally, there are open-source software and tools available to help developers better manage and optimize server resources and application performance. While equipment procurement and data center investment are significant expenses for internet companies, we see new solutions emerging with technological advancements, helping small and emerging companies enter the market more effectively and promoting competition and development in the market.

Meanwhile, Gather aims to obtain powerful hardware platform computing and storage resources at the lowest cost possible. Gather pioneered the use of Web3 DePIN technology concepts, distributing users' hardware devices, and forming a complete decentralized network hardware infrastructure through software and hardware technologies.

Additionally, Gather serves as a distributed computing center, leveraging its robust DePIN system to provide long-term computational resources for various fields such as AI model training, machine learning, and cloud rendering.

2) High Technical Operations Team Labor Costs

Traditional instant messaging platforms require a large number of technical personnel for maintenance and management, resulting in high operational costs and significant economic pressure on Internet companies. Especially during industry downturns, these platforms often have to undergo large-scale layoffs to reduce costs. However, for social product platforms with weak profitability themselves, high labor costs are an additional burden. In contrast, Gather adopts decentralized technology, integrating software and hardware, significantly reducing reliance on a large number of operations and maintenance personnel. Through a development model that emphasizes heavy public chain and light application end, Gather has successfully reduced development and code maintenance costs. These advantages make Gather more competitive in the social product industry, while also providing internet companies with a new, more efficient operating model.

3) High IDC Network Bandwidth and Electricity Costs

In the process of using social products, because users often send images, voice, video, and other file resources, network resources are rapidly consumed, resulting in high network bandwidth costs. Additionally, during conversations and group chats, users often maintain long connections with the server to receive fast information push and response, which consumes a large amount of network connection resources, necessitating the deployment of more servers to provide services. The deployment of more X86 architecture servers also means more electricity expenses.

Gather's social product innovatively addresses the long-standing issue of high network bandwidth and electricity costs. Leveraging the Web3 node miner model, we successfully utilize miners' computing power to provide stable and efficient operation guarantees for the platform. At the same time, through a token reward mechanism, we feedback traffic value to all miners, incentivizing them to provide a continuous stream of computing power to the platform.

To further optimize cost structures and reduce carbon emissions, Gather has innovated in hardware research and design. We have adopted the latest ARM low-power platform, successfully controlling single-device power consumption to within 30 watts. This innovation not only reduces platform operating costs but also significantly improves device stability and reliability, providing strong support for the platform's long-term stable development.

These innovative measures by Gather not only demonstrate our leading position in technological innovation and sustainable development but also underscore our firm commitment to environmental responsibility. Through our efforts, Gather's social product sets a new benchmark for the social product industry and provides new ideas and directions for future development. We believe that in the future, Gather will continue to lead the industry's development and bring everyone a better communication experience.

1.2.3 Security Issues

1) Unlimited Exposure of Data, Lack of Privacy

Traditional social products transmit data based on point-to-point communication, where conversations and file transfers between users are routed through servers. While this method facilitates real-time information delivery, it also presents challenges in data security and privacy protection.

On one hand, as essential tools for daily communication, traditional social products often store sensitive data such as personal information and files on servers. This data is susceptible to theft by hackers or misuse by government agencies, posing threats to user privacy and security.

On the other hand, traditional social products often establish long connections between servers and clients to achieve real-time information delivery, which, while improving efficiency, also increases the risk of hacker attacks. Hackers can exploit server vulnerabilities or impersonate servers to steal or tamper with user information.

To address these issues, Gather's social product employs decentralized technology and encryption algorithms to ensure the security and privacy of user data. Specific measures include:

Firstly, Gather's social product uses end-to-end encryption to ensure that conversations and file transfers between users are encrypted. Even if hackers intercept communication data between users, they cannot decrypt its contents, thus protecting user data privacy.

Secondly, Gather's social product employs a decentralized network architecture, dispersing the role of servers across various nodes. Communication between users can occur directly between nodes without centralized server intermediaries. This not only improves information transmission efficiency but also reduces the risk of hacker attacks.

Lastly, Gather's social product utilizes blockchain technology to store user identity information and communication records on the chain. This storage method ensures immutability and transparency, effectively preventing data tampering and forgery by hackers. Additionally, the decentralized nature of blockchain technology prevents misuse of user data by government agencies.

Through these measures, Gather's social product actively explores and practices user privacy and security protection. We believe that as technology continues to advance and become more widespread, privacy protection and data security will become basic responsibilities and essential capabilities for all Internet companies.

2)Human Factors Leading to Personal or Business Secrets Leakage

In addition to technical issues regarding data security and privacy protection, human factors may also lead to the leakage of personal or business secrets. In traditional social products, platforms have the opportunity to access users' sensitive data due to actions such as user information filling and profile picture uploading. If there are management loopholes or lack of security awareness among internal personnel, user data leakage is likely to occur.

To address data leakage caused by human factors, Gather's social product implements the following measures:

Minimization of data collection and storage. Throughout the design and development process, Gather's social product minimizes the collection and storage of sensitive user data as much as possible. For example, we adopt local encryption storage to store user chat records and files locally, avoiding uploading them to servers. Additionally, all outgoing data are encrypted packets. Furthermore, we only collect users' basic information when necessary and store it in encrypted form to prevent exploitation by malicious attackers. In terms of design philosophy, Gather adopts a concept of no technical operations, ensuring that hardware devices and software can operate well even without human intervention.

Through these measures, Gather's social product effectively reduces the risk of data leakage caused by human factors. We always prioritize user data security and privacy protection, continuously optimizing and enhancing the security performance of social products to provide users with a safer and more reliable communication experience.

1.2.4 Regulatory Issues

1) Excessive Regulation of Data Leads to Loss of Social Network Assets

Due to the immaturity of traditional centralized automated regulation, many chat groups may experience false positives, resulting in the closure of communities that have been painstakingly organized, leading to a significant loss of social network assets. To address this issue, Gather maximizes the management authority of groups by returning it to users, allowing group owners and DAO organizations to handle community complaints and regulations.

2)Technical Regulations Limit Functionality Experience, Traditional Groups vs. Gather Groups

  • Traditional social software groups are limited to chat functions and cannot effectively manage members or interact with ecosystem applications.

Gather Groups with Ten Thousand Members: Managing a group with ten thousand members is not an easy task. It requires controlling the group atmosphere to maintain positive energy while ensuring accurate information dissemination and avoiding message clutter and repetition, which can degrade the quality of group discussions. In Gather's ten thousand-member group module, group owners have absolute control, including:

To prevent unauthorized additions, settings can prohibit mutual friend requests. To maintain a civilized and harmonious atmosphere and prevent negative or offensive comments, settings can enable muting or forcibly deleting messages from specific members, or banning members from applying to join the group after being removed. For efficient scheduling of events or online meetings, settings can enforce group-wide muting for one hour, allowing only administrators to send messages.

For consensus management among DAO organization members, groups can use project token voting resolutions, where the majority decides. Members participating in a project are automatically added to the project's group to ensure they do not miss important information. Project-related information is pinned in the group, including presentations, videos, and project progress updates, eliminating the need to repeatedly send project introductions to new members.

Members who want to access a project DApp can do so directly from the group message header. These and other convenient features significantly improve the scientific management of large groups and enhance the cohesion and stickiness between group members and projects.

  • Traditional business groups may lead to clients bypassing intermediaries and directly contacting business representatives, leading to potential loss of client resources for enterprises.

Gather's group owners, as the leaders of social relationships, can establish business groups that hide all member information, including GID, wallet accounts, user nicknames, and profile photos. They can assign temporary identities and titles to members and prohibit mutual friend requests, protecting their client resources. All business-related communication occurs within the group, with the group owner holding a dominant position in these relationships.

Many intermediary companies, insurance companies, and financial companies experience instances where clients are taken by representatives for private deals, leading to the potential loss of client resources when representatives leave. Using Gather's business groups, enterprises can arrange work tasks, ensuring all work-related communication occurs within the group, thus avoiding disputes arising from private communications and non-compliance with rules, significantly protecting client privacy and enterprise client resources.

  • Managing multiple groups has always been a challenge for group owners, consuming time and leading to information transmission gaps. Using forwarding bots may increase costs and fail to control the harm caused by group spammers.

Gather's Community Group Module enables the scientific management of nested groups.

Suppose you're a prominent figure with 100 WeChat groups. Managing all these groups is difficult, time-consuming, and costly, and dealing with spam and advertisements within them is challenging. In Gather's community groups, all groups brought in by an administrator are managed uniformly, saving time and effort, and facilitating scientific control. For instance, when an administrator posts a message in the community group, it is synchronized across all groups, ensuring consistent and efficient message delivery. If an administrator identifies a troublemaker, they can delete the user once in the community group, and the action is synchronized across all groups. This approach offers a great user experience for educational institutions, business meetings, online learning, and information sharing.

  • Establishing and controlling large software groups typically relies on human audits.

Gather's management of large groups relies solely on mechanisms. As it is known, the greatest value of blockchain lies in consensus, and the consensus of large token holders is highly valuable. Managing token holders has always been complex and challenging, with those involved often in awkward positions and oversight difficult. With Gather's large group management, mechanisms replace human reliance, and rules for large groups are set through contracts. For example, a group for token holders with over ten thousand tokens automatically adds wallets with over 10,000 GAT tokens. If a wallet transfers out 10 GAT tokens and the balance no longer meets the criteria, it is automatically removed from the group. This system solves the problem of customer classification management, where any coin on the same underlying public chain can be classified based on asset holdings, with mechanisms superseding human judgment, making it more scientific.

1.3 Gather Vision

Gather's vision is to become the world's safest social product, providing users with an efficient, secure, and intelligent communication environment through innovative technology and exceptional user experience. We will continuously explore and research new technologies to meet user needs and drive the continuous development of the social product industry.

We believe that through our efforts and the support of users, Gather will become a trusted instant messaging software, creating more value. At the same time, we will actively fulfill our social responsibility, protect user data security and privacy, and provide users with a safer and more reliable service.

In future development, we will continue to focus on changes and trends in the social product market, actively respond to various challenges and opportunities, and center on users to continuously innovate and optimize products and services, providing users with a higher quality, more efficient, and safer communication experience. Additionally, we will strengthen cooperation with partners and ecosystems to jointly promote the prosperity and development of the social product industry.

1.4 Future Development Projection

The future social product market will be more competitive, and traditional social product models will no longer meet the demands of users for personalization, security, and efficiency. Therefore, future social products will evolve towards greater intelligence, security, and decentralization.

Firstly, intelligence will become an important development direction for social products. By applying artificial intelligence technology, social products can better understand user language and behavior, providing users with more intelligent services and recommendations. Additionally, social products can analyze user data intelligently to improve user experience and efficiency.

Secondly, security will be a prerequisite for social products. With the frequent occurrence of hacker attacks and data breaches, users' demands for the security of social products are increasing. Future social products will adopt more advanced encryption technology and data protection measures to ensure the security and privacy of user data.

Finally, decentralization will be an important development trend for social software. By using decentralized network architectures and blockchain technology, social products can better protect user privacy and data security, while also improving the efficiency and transparency of information transmission. Focusing on using blockchain technology to create application scenarios and enhance user experience will bring Gather more natural traffic and support future updates and iterations of the software with more ecological application scenarios.

The ecological development strategy centered on social products has received unanimous recognition from enterprises and governments worldwide. Therefore, Gather's future development will not be limited to social products themselves, and the ecological and commercial boundaries it can influence will also become important drivers of Gather's development.

In an environment where user privacy and information communication are absolutely secure, we cannot imagine how many rich and necessary business scenarios will further expand based on the Gather network and Gather social products.

In summary, the future social product market will be full of opportunities and challenges. As an innovative social product, Gather will continue to lead industry development and provide users with more intelligent, secure, and efficient communication experiences.

2. Technical Architecture

2.1 Communication DePIN Devices

2.1.1 Hardware


A mini-server based on the ARM architecture, equipped with a 3588 CPU, 8GB of RAM, and 32GB of external storage, running on Gather X firmware. This model is suitable for personal node terminals, characterized by its small size, low power consumption, and portability.

GBox Pro

An upgraded version of the GBox, featuring 16GB of RAM and 1TB of external storage. It includes additional advanced features and can be expanded into a 3-node version. Suitable for medium to large-scale data center users.

GBox Max

Utilizes X86 multi-core CPUs, equipped with 128GB of RAM and 8TB of external storage, offering enhanced performance. Ideal for large enterprises or applications requiring the processing of large amounts of data.

GBox Cloud

Specifically designed for cloud environments, utilizing the ARM architecture's 3588 CPU, with 8GB of RAM and 512GB of external storage, running on Gather H firmware. Capable of dynamic scaling, high availability, and data backup functionalities. Suitable for personal home users or small team users.

2.1.2 Software

  • GProto Communication Protocol: A custom communication protocol utilized by Gather's social products, built on top of the TCP protocol. It incorporates encryption technology to ensure data transmission security and features efficient data transfer and error correction capabilities.

2.2 Security Technologies

2.2.1 End-to-End Data Encryption (E2EE):

The encrypted data in the Gather network can only be viewed by individuals possessing decryption keys. In other words, E2EE prevents unintended users, including third parties, from reading or modifying data, ensuring that only intended readers have access and capability. Additionally, Gather employs end-to-end encryption technology to ensure the privacy of chat content. In password management and Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA), users function as both encryptors and decryptors.

In many messaging services, third parties store data encrypted only during transmission. This server-side encryption method protects data from unauthorized viewers. However, it allows the sender to view the information, which is not suitable for transmissions where data privacy needs protection throughout the entire process.

E2EE is particularly suitable when users are most concerned about privacy. Privacy includes sensitive topics such as business documents, financial information, legal proceedings, medical conditions, or private conversations. Therefore, failure to protect private data could harm business operations and customer interests.

End-to-end encryption helps protect data from network attacks. For example, in 2020, the average global cost of data breaches was $3.86 million, rising to $8.64 million in the United States. These costs include expenses related to discovering and responding to breaches, downtime, revenue losses, and long-term damage to the company and its brand reputation. If Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is compromised, it can lead to loss of customer trust, regulatory fines, or even legal action.

End-to-end encryption not only provides encrypted message transmission but also enables control over authorized user access to stored data. Centralized privileged user policy management systems offer granular control over who can access what information. Combined with centralized key management systems compliant with the Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP), enterprises can encrypt and protect data at various levels.

2.2.2 Access Control:

Different gateway access control policies are set according to the roles and permissions of Gather nodes.

Access control refers to how a system restricts the capabilities of users and their predefined policy groups to use data resources. It is typically used by system administrators to control user access to network resources such as servers, directories, and files. Access control is a critical foundation for system confidentiality, integrity, availability, and lawful use. It is one of the key strategies for network security and resource protection and is based on granting different authorized access to subjects based on certain control policies or permissions.

Gather's access control comprises three elements: subject, object, and access control policy.

  • Subject (S): Refers to the entity requesting specific access to a resource. It initiates an action, but may not necessarily execute it. It could be a user, process, service, or device.

  • Object (O): Denotes the entity being accessed. It can include all information, resources, or objects that can be operated on. Objects can be collections of information, files, records, hardware facilities on a network, or even another object.

  • Access Control Policy (A): Collection of rules or attributes that define the access rules for subjects to objects. Access policies reflect an authorization behavior and are the defaults for object access by subjects.

2.2.3 Security Audit:

Regular security audits and vulnerability scans are conducted on Gather system gateways and nodes to identify potential security risks and promptly address them.

A security audit is a tool mainly used for tracking and recording the usage status of the Gather network or specified systems, categorized into user self-protection and system audit protection. Network security audits can dynamically monitor the network, find intrusions and violations, and record everything happening on the network, providing evidence for users. The Gather network security audit includes the following functions:

  • Information Collection: It involves gathering the necessary audit data through various technological means such as logs, network packets, etc. The key aspects to consider for this function include the types of information collection methods, the scope of information collected, and the granularity of information collected. If packet auditing technology is used, network protocol packet capture and analysis engines are particularly important. If log auditing technology is used, log normalization technology is essential to assess the manufacturer's basic skills and professional capabilities.

  • Information Analysis: This entails analyzing and auditing the collected information. This is the core of the audit product, and the effectiveness of the audit is directly reflected here. In terms of implementing information analysis technology, simple techniques may involve database-based information querying and comparison, while complex techniques may include real-time correlation analysis engine technology, rule-based auditing, statistical-based auditing, and time-based auditing algorithms, among others.

  • Information Storage: Both the collected raw information and audited information must be stored for reference and can serve as evidence. Key points in implementing this function include massive information storage technology and security protection technology for audit information.

  • Information Presentation: This includes audit result display interfaces, statistical analysis report functions, alarm response functions, device linkage functions, etc. This part of the functionality directly reflects the audit results and is where each manufacturer demonstrates their strengths.

  • Product Security and Auditability Functionality: The audit product itself must be secure, ensuring the integrity, confidentiality, and validity of audit data, and access to the audit system must be secure. In addition, all accesses and operations on the audit product must be logged and auditable.

2.2.4 DDoS Attack Prevention:

Through a distributed defense system, Gather can effectively defend against DDoS attacks, ensuring service stability and availability. The Gather network's distributed high-defense servers, implemented through distributed infrastructure, continuously monitors incoming network traffic, identifying and analyzing potential DDoS attack traffic in real-time. By using traffic analysis algorithms and artificial intelligence technology, it can rapidly detect abnormal traffic patterns and respond accordingly.

2.3 Decentralization Technology

2.3.1 Blockchain Technology:

Gather utilizes blockchain technology to implement a decentralized trust mechanism, ensuring data immutability and transparency. Additionally, it employs smart contract technology to facilitate automated management and governance functions.

In a blockchain-based social network, there is no central entity or individual that can access all user data. Every transaction conducted on the blockchain network is encrypted, making it inaccessible to entities other than those participating in the peer-to-peer network. This enhances the privacy and security of digital assets and personal information.

Furthermore, blockchain social networks allow users to create their profiles without revealing their identities, reducing the risk of identification and the potential misuse of this data for malicious or non-malicious purposes. Blockchain technology also addresses the issue of data integrity. Once stored on the blockchain, data cannot be deleted and is extremely difficult to tamper with. Even if a hacker infiltrates one block and alters information, this action would change the identification or "hash" of the entire block, thereby compromising the integrity of all subsequent blocks and exposing the hacker's actions.

2.3.2 P2P Networks:

Gather utilizes a P2P network architecture to enable direct communication and data transmission between nodes, avoiding the single point of failure and performance bottleneck issues associated with centralized servers. This approach also enhances the system's scalability and fault tolerance.

A P2P network is a distributed application architecture where tasks and workloads are distributed among peers (nodes). It is a networking or network form of the peer-to-peer computing model at the application layer.

In simpler terms, a P2P network is an idea for network structure that differs from the predominant client/server (C/S) structure of traditional social networks in that: there is no central node (or central server) in a P2P network structure; each participant (node) has an equal status, acting as both a server (providing services to other nodes) and a client (consuming services provided by other nodes); and peers (nodes) can access each other without the need for a third-party intermediary entity.

P2P network computing technology is continuously applied in various fields such as military, commercial, governmental, telecommunications, and communication. Depending on the specific application, P2P applications can be broadly categorized into file content sharing and downloading, streaming media technology, computing power, and storage sharing, among others.

Traditional Client/Server (CS) Architecture vs P2P Architecture

2.4 Artificial Intelligence Technology

  1. Natural Language Processing: Gather utilizes natural language processing technology to achieve functions such as automatic translation, text classification, and sentiment analysis, thereby enhancing communication efficiency among users.

  2. Intelligent Recommendations: By analyzing users' chat records and behavioral data, Gather can provide personalized recommendation services, such as friend suggestions and group recommendations.

  3. Intelligent Customer Service: Gather offers intelligent customer service functionality, capable of automatically answering user questions and resolving common issues, thereby improving the efficiency and quality of customer service.

*Note: The artificial intelligence service technology in the Gather system adopts a third-party ChatGPT, and there may be a possibility of information leakage. This function needs to be manually enabled by users, and users should use this function with caution.

2.5 Business Functions and Technical Implementation

  1. Group Functionality: Supports the creation and management of multiple groups, each with different members and topics. Additionally, it provides management functions such as muting and kicking users.

  2. File Transfer: Supports the sending of files and images within groups, utilizing chunking and verification techniques to ensure the integrity and accuracy of file transfers.

  3. Real-time Translation: Gather provides multilingual translation functionality, automatically translating chat content in different languages to facilitate cross-language communication.

  4. Voice-to-Text: Supports the conversion of voice chats into text, allowing users to view and organize chat records conveniently.

  5. Anonymous Chatting: Provides anonymous chat functionality to protect user privacy and security.

2.6 Technical Architecture

The technical architecture of Gather's social product mainly consists of the following components:

  1. Client-side: The mobile or PC application directly used by users, providing user interface and interactive operations.

  2. Server-side: Servers maintained by Gather company, responsible for handling client requests and managing user data.

  3. Blockchain Layer: Implements decentralized trust mechanisms using blockchain technology, including distributed ledgers, smart contracts, and P2P networks.

  4. AI Layer: Utilizes artificial intelligence technology, including natural language processing, intelligent recommendations, and intelligent customer service.

  5. Security Layer: The GBox gateway adopts various security technologies, including data encryption, access control, security auditing, and DDoS attack prevention.

  6. Business Function Layer: Implements various business functions, such as group functionality, file transfer, real-time translation, voice-to-text, and anonymous chatting.

Through this technical architecture, Gather's social product can achieve a highly secure, intelligent, and decentralized communication experience. Furthermore, continuous technological upgrades and innovations will drive Gather's future development.

3. Auxiliary Components

3.1 Message Routing

Message routing is one of the crucial functions in the Gather network, facilitating the transmission of messages and data to the correct destination. In the Gather network, message routing is achieved through the P2P network and the GProto protocol.

The P2P network, one of the foundational infrastructures of Gather, enables direct communication and data transmission between nodes. Each node maintains its own routing table, storing information about other nodes and facilitating the transmission of messages and data to the correct destination.

GProto is an essential component of the Gather network, providing automated management and supervision functionality. By executing a series of rules and logic, GProto ensures the accuracy and security of messages. In the Gather network, GProto is also utilized to establish a decentralized trust mechanism, ensuring the immutability and transparency of data.

Through the combination of the P2P network and GProto, Gather achieves efficient, secure, and reliable message routing functionality. Users can send and receive messages through the Gather application without needing to know the underlying technical details. Additionally, Gather offers a rich set of business functions and technical implementations to meet diverse user needs.

3.2 Cloud Space

Cloud space is one of the essential services provided to users in the Gather network. It allows users to store data and files in the cloud and access and share them anytime, anywhere. In the Gather network, cloud space utilizes decentralized distributed storage technology to ensure the reliability and security of data. Additionally, cloud space offers a rich set of features and tools for users to manage and utilize data. Cloud space capacity needs to be exchanged using GAT. After obtaining DFS storage space, users can realize: file storage, chat record storage, friend relationships, group relationships, user profile, and other status data storage.

Key features of cloud space include:

  1. High Availability: Cloud space in the Gather network utilizes decentralized distributed storage technology to ensure the reliability and security of data. Even if some nodes fail, data will not be lost or affected.

  2. Unlimited Storage: Cloud space in the Gather network provides unlimited storage space, allowing users to store and share data and files anytime, anywhere.

  3. High-speed Transmission: Cloud space in the Gather network offers high-speed data transmission functionality, enabling users to quickly upload and download data and files.

  4. Flexible Scalability: Cloud space in the Gather network can be flexibly scaled according to user needs, allowing users to increase storage space or adjust storage configurations as needed.

  5. Encrypted Storage: Cloud space in the Gather network utilizes elliptic curve encryption technology to ensure that users' data and files are not leaked or tampered with.

  6. Multiple Backups: Cloud space in the Gather network performs multiple backups of users' data and files, ensuring the security and reliability of data.

  7. Easy to Use: Cloud space in the Gather network provides a user-friendly interface and tools for users to manage and utilize data and files. Users can access and share data and files anytime, anywhere through the cloud space application or website.

3.3 GID Unique Identifier

Each user can use their wallet address as their username, but since wallet addresses are inconvenient to use and remember, all Gather users can apply for a globally unique numerical code to serve as a quick user identifier. This can reduce the difficulty of using scenario-based functions such as adding friends.

  1. Applying for a GID adopts the NA public chain NFT minting protocol to generate a globally unique NFT numerical code.

  2. GID is mapped and bound to the wallet address through the NA Name System.

3.4 Server-Side Status Cache

Synchronization and caching of status data are performed by super nodes. If a user does not log in for more than 360 days, their account's friend relationships, group relationships, and user profiles will be cleared. If restoration is needed, users must download the data from the cloud space and re-register by signing and broadcasting it to the super nodes.

  1. When user A adds user B as a friend, user A will apply for friendship based on B's entered GID or wallet address. The application data packet will include user A's name and basic profile.

  2. User's friend relationships only exist on their own device. If continuous storage is needed, users need to save it to the cloud space.

  3. In the context of group relationships, the group server (Server) is not a traditional server in the sense, it is the community itself. All content, interests, topics, and relationships are developed based on it. In the group scenario, any action should start with creating a group server. When a user starts inviting friends, it is based on the dimension of the group server. In other words, the friends invited by the user join the group server. It is a collection of relationships.

The attributes of the group server include name, icon, custom fields, etc., detailed development instructions can be found in group server management.

  1. User Profile, Gather network supports users to locally maintain user information and user profiles. You can directly store your application's user profile in the hardware terminal and synchronize it with the Gather network. Additionally, through relevant APIs, third parties are allowed to read/update/maintain operations.

For social scenarios, common user profiles can be divided into basic information profiles and other information profiles.

Basic information includes username, gender, birthday, location, signature, nickname, etc.

Other information refers to other information required by social modules.

4. Technological Advantages

4.1 Secure Communication

Gather is built on Web3.0 infrastructure public chain, coupled with cryptographic technology and open network protocols, while combining hardware boxes to provide a distributed long-link cluster, thus offering a stable decentralized message exchange network.

All data transmitted through Gather (including but not limited to voice, calls, and document files) is encrypted in an end-to-end manner, with absolutely no centralized server storage. Only the parties involved in the conversation or group members have access rights. It is impossible for telecom operators, network administrators, or any other third party to decrypt and access the data, thus eliminating the risk of privacy breaches.

Users can download Gather, create user accounts/wallet addresses, and use basic features for free.

4.2 Secure Information Storage

Gather employs end-to-end encryption technology to ensure the privacy of chat content. In password management and Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA), users are both encryptors and decryptors. Gather's servers do not retain any user chats, voice, video, images, documents, etc. The servers act as mediators, like relay stations, to ensure that only users and their communication partners can see, hear, or read the relevant content. Global deployment ensures access speed and security. Messages and call contents within the application are protected with absolute secrecy from the moment they leave the sender's device until they reach the recipient's device.

4.3 Secure Information Circulation

In the world of Gather, we firmly believe that users have absolute rights to their personal privacy. Therefore, we not only refrain from collecting users' phone contact lists but also refrain from mandatory permissions requests. We are committed to building a communication platform truly centered around users, returning privacy and empowerment to users.

Gather further strengthens the protection of user privacy through meticulously designed and rich product features, such as privacy settings, bidirectional retraction of messages sent to strangers, self-destructing messages, and hiding wallet addresses. We always strive to provide users with the most secure and private communication experience, ensuring that every communication is filled with trust and assurance.

4.4 GProto Communication Protocol for Resilient Operation

Gather utilizes the GProto-based communication protocol, enabling high-speed transmission in weak network environments while ensuring the security, reliability, and timely delivery of data to users. This advanced technological architecture enables Gather to operate without constraints in weak network environments, providing users with continuous and unimpeded communication experiences. Regardless of location, users can easily and securely communicate with family, friends, and colleagues, liberating communication from network constraints.

4.5 Web3 Wallet Login

Gather prioritizes simplicity and ease of use in user experience, especially in wallet login. We have designed a seamless digital security management system that allows users to conveniently and quickly log into wallets for managing digital assets. By simplifying the login process, we not only enhance user convenience but also ensure the security of digital assets.

4.6 Scene Extensibility

Gather focuses on the diversity of user needs, providing rich functional scenarios for communication in various contexts, including business community discussions at work, social interactions in daily life, and casual conversations among friends. Through clever scene designs, users can easily switch between different social modes, enabling users to have a more comprehensive and comfortable experience in digital socializing.

4.7 Strong Group Management Mode

In the Gather network, being "together" is not merely about physical presence; it is a whole new concept. Through Gather's P2P network and GProto protocol, users can achieve efficient communication and collaboration without compromising personal privacy. This means sharing thoughts, feelings, and information with others while ensuring the protection of privacy rights. This is Gather's redefinition of "together."

In the Gather network, users participating in the ecosystem pledge can access VIP features, create their own groups, and each group can have its own subgroups. This hierarchical group structure can be used to implement various application scenarios, such as enterprise communication, social networks, online education, etc. Through this hierarchical group structure, users can conveniently manage and collaborate. Additionally, Gather provides rich tools and categorization features, such as "Ten Thousand People Group," "Anonymous Business Group," "Big Customers Group," etc., enabling users to flexibly manage their groups and subgroups. This grants absolute management authority to group owners, in line with the decentralized spirit of Web3.0 returning value creation to users. When users cancel the pledge, GAT will be unlocked and returned to the user's wallet.

5. Operation and Governance of the Gather Network

The operation and development of the Gather network, as a distributed application network based on DePIN as its network technology infrastructure, will revolve around the value asset GAT in the Gather network. It aims to meet the usage requirements of various ecological roles within the Gather network. Based on this, various complex roles interact with each other to maintain the normal operation and continuous incentives of the Gather network.

5.1 Introduction to GAT Tokens

GAT tokens are the general circulation assets of the Gather network, used to carry and value the ecological value of the Gather communication network. They serve as the anchoring assets for the computational assets in the Gather social network during equivalent exchanges. As the ecosystem advances and develops, the ecological governance capacity of GAT will gradually become one of the main value cores.

1) GAT Token Lockup: 10 million tokens allocated as follows:

5 million for technical purposes

2 million for operations

2 million for investments

1 million for user acquisition.

2) Destruction Mechanism: In the ecosystem applications, apart from a few exchange functions that require GAT staking mode, other fee-based scenarios operate on a destruction mode. For example: posting advertisements, launching mini-programs, etc.

3) Initial Devices: 3,000-5,000 tokens will be taken from the operational lockup coins for each device. These tokens are exclusively used for the initial startup of each G-Box device to initiate one GMT token for Dpos node initialization.

4) GAT Computational Power Mechanism and Case Explanation:

Gather hardware produces 90 million tokens using a working algorithm. Production is 20,000 tokens per day, halved every four years until a constant of 2,500 tokens/day is reached. It will take approximately 56 years to mine all tokens.

5.2 Distribution of GAT Token Outputs

Except for the pre-mined GAT required for the initial startup, future GAT production will be jointly allocated by the three most important ecological roles in the network. These roles include:

DePIN Network Builders providing network infrastructure.

Network Data Validators providing super node capabilities.

Computational Network Contributors providing significant computational power value to the network's future.

  • 30% Basic rights of users' hardware, namely the capacity allocated by DePIN network builders (delivering one GMT upon each G-Box activation, serving as a valid GMT node and obtaining 30% computing power capacity). This portion represents the fundamental incentive earnings obtained by users participating in the construction of the distributed hardware network. It also aims to enhance the network security of hardware platforms and increase the overall computing power.

  • 65% Weighted contribution rewards for users' hardware network, DPoS computing power rewards obtained through GAT voting to acquire network contribution capacity weights. Each G-Box requires at least one GAT to be voted online to activate basic computing power, with a maximum of 2000 GAT as the effective voting upper limit.

  • 5% Revenue from the 21 supernodes across the network, allocated as incentives for supernodes participating in data consistency verification, namely network data validators' earnings, based on the DPoS consensus mechanism verification.

5.3 Gather Network Consensus Mechanism

The Gather network as a whole adopts the DPOS Delegated Proof of Stake voting power proof consensus algorithm. It is instantiated based on the NA public chain to obtain the Gather node governance function. Delegated Proof of Stake is used for node detection and status maintenance by delegating to the NA public chain. All Gather nodes must become qualified nodes, and each device must consume 1 GMT hardware device governance token to complete online device node registration.

5.4 DePIN Network Builders - Infrastructure

Users participating in the construction of the distributed hardware network receive basic incentive rewards. This also strengthens network security and increases overall computational power. Each user activates a device with GMT and successfully registers, requiring GAT computational power locking ranging from 1 GAT to 2000 GAT. Additional earnings are granted for network support based on the computational power provided by these DePIN network builder nodes, which receive 30% of the network's total computational power allocation.

GMT Computational Power

GMT computational power is a unit used to measure the number of DePIN network builder nodes in the Gather network. In the DPOS consensus mechanism, nodes possess corresponding GMT computational power, with each device having at least 1 GMT computational power.

GMT Token


  • GMT is distributed through official sales with device shipments, with one GMT token delivered for each device sold.

  • GMT does not circulate in the secondary market. If there's a need to switch accounts, it can be applied for and transferred on-chain.

5.5 Network Data Validators - Super Nodes

5.5.1 Introduction to Super Nodes:

  1. Super nodes are an essential component of the Gather network, serving as network data validators responsible for verifying and packaging transactions, thereby maintaining network security and stability. In the DPOS consensus mechanism, super nodes have more computational power voting rights and governance functions. Becoming a super node allows for a 5% bonus reward from the total computational power.

  2. Becoming a super node requires meeting certain conditions and thresholds, including but not limited to node hardware configuration, network bandwidth, storage space, etc. Additionally, super nodes must maintain a certain level of trust and community recognition to ensure they can make positive contributions to the community.

  3. The number of super nodes in the Gather network is limited and dynamically adjusted according to network needs. The election and production of super nodes are determined by the DPOS consensus mechanism, which is achieved through computational power voting and delegation.

  4. Super nodes play a significant role in the Gather network, not only enhancing network security and performance but also promoting community consensus and governance. However, super nodes also bear certain responsibilities and obligations to ensure they can make positive contributions to the community.

5.5.2 Super Node Election Method

When users lock up computational power into the Gather network using GAT, they can choose to host the computational power on their own G-BOX hardware nodes or on any other hardware nodes on the network. During each cycle, the top 21 hardware nodes with the highest total computational power become the super nodes for that cycle and receive an additional 5% reward as an incentive.

5.6 Computational Network Contributors - Computational Supply

GAT is the computational asset of the Gather social network. Staking GAT is equivalent to contributing and locking more network computational power on one's hardware, thereby contributing more computational power to the network and increasing earning capabilities. Each node device must stake at least one GAT token for GMT computational power and Dpos computational power.

Each G-Box device has a maximum network computational power lockup limit of 2000 GAT. At regular intervals, users can use staked GAT to choose how much network computational power to lock up for their G-Box hardware and participate in the election of Gather network super nodes through computational power voting. Additionally, they broadcast computational power information to the underlying Gather network for confirmation and verification by super nodes, ultimately completing profit settlements.

These computational network contributors can receive 65% of the GAT token output from the Gather network.

5.7 Case Study

1) Let's assume there are currently 10,000 Gather devices operating worldwide, meaning there are 10,000 valid GMT nodes. With a daily capacity of 20,000 tokens per day in the first four years:

GMT Network Capacity 30%: 6,000 tokens/day, distributed equally among GMT nodes. Each node receives 6000/10000 = 0.6 GAT/day.Example:

  • User A has 10 Gather devices, receiving 10 shares of the GMT capacity, totaling 0.6 * 10 = 6 GAT/day.

  • User B has 100 Gather devices, receiving 100 shares of the GMT capacity, totaling 0.6 * 100 = 60 GAT/day.


The more Gather hardware devices one possesses, the higher the computational income, referred to as the GMT node computational power competition. Each Gather device is activated with one GMT token.

2) Dpos Network Capacity 65%: 13,000 tokens/day, distributed based on the total voting power of the network. Assuming today's total GAT votes participating in computational power voting are 20,000, each vote corresponds to 0.65 GAT/day.Example:

  • User A has 10 Gather devices, each voting with 10 GAT, totaling 100 votes, receiving 0.65 * 100 = 65 GAT/day.

  • User B has 10 Gather devices, each voting with 100 GAT, totaling 1000 votes, receiving 0.65 * 1000 = 650 GAT/day.


In the Dpos consensus algorithm, the more GAT involved in computational power voting, the higher the computational income, referred to as the Dpos computational power voting competition. (One GAT can vote for one ticket, with each Gather node having a maximum of 2000 votes.)

3) Network Capacity 5%: 1,000 tokens, allocated to the 21 largest super nodes in the network, with a lockup period of two years. This means that 95% of the daily GAT production can freely circulate. GAT circulation among miners becomes a computational power game.


  • Users A and B each own 10 Gather devices, voting with one ticket each, resulting in a daily production of 12.5 GAT/day for both (based on calculations from points 1 and 2).

After mining together for 100 days, and A selling 500 GAT while B buys 500 GAT:

  • A holds 750 GAT (1250 - 500)

  • B holds 1750 GAT (1250 + 500)

  • The ratio of A's to B's holdings is 3:7.

Despite both having 10 devices, after circulating 500 GAT, A's daily production will be significantly lower than B's. These 500 GAT not only circulate as coins but also exchange computational power voting rights, allowing B to gain greater computational power.


In the GAT computational power mechanism, there are naturally two types of competition: node competition and computational power voting competition. This creates a demand for buying and selling among miners based on the number of hardware nodes and participation in computational power voting. The price of GAT will become healthier as the number of hardware nodes increases and the scenarios for staking and consumption in applications increase, strengthening market consensus on GAT.

5.8 Token Applications

The GAT token serves as the governance token within the ecosystem, and all significant decisions in the network require GAT tokens for computational voting through a DAO mechanism.

In addition to governance, the GAT token also serves as a crucial utility token for circulation within the ecosystem. All settlement scenarios within the Gather network can be conducted using GAT tokens, such as specific social functions, privileges, etc.

Gather is a distributed computing network, and in the future, other enterprises and projects will only be able to utilize GAT as the asset for computational consumption. We will establish a new token economy system through collaboration with other partners to empower GAT. For example, Chainlink gains usage rights through staking and consuming LINK assets, and RNDR leases computational power through the HNT network.

6. Gather Network Application Scenarios

6.1 Decentralized DApp Mini Programs - Gather Mini Programs

Utilizing NA public chain DApp technology, decentralized applications can be realized within the Gather network, allowing users to enjoy various DApp applications, one of which is Gather Mini Programs. This decentralized application, based on NA public chain technology, offers users a more convenient, efficient, and secure application experience.

Features of Gather Mini Programs include:

  1. Decentralization: Gather Mini Programs DApps utilize decentralized technology without central servers or third-party control, ensuring data security and reliability.

  2. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Gather Mini Programs can run across different platforms and devices, enabling users to access them anytime, anywhere.

  3. Diverse Application Scenarios: Gather Mini Programs can be applied in various fields such as e-commerce, social networking, education, finance, etc., providing users with diverse application scenarios. Group members are automatically associated with the Mini Program, being both users and group members.

  4. Smart Contract Mechanism: Gather Mini Programs employ smart contract mechanisms, enabling automatic execution and settlement functionalities, thereby enhancing transaction efficiency and security.

  5. Community Governance Model: Gather Mini Programs adopt a community governance model, allowing community users to autonomously manage, develop, and operate the application, ensuring openness and transparency.

In summary, Gather Mini Programs, as a decentralized application based on the Gather network, possess unique technological advantages and business characteristics, providing users with a superior application experience.

6.2 Enterprise Internal Communication Tool

Gather is suitable for enterprises as an internal communication tool. It helps employees collaborate and communicate more effectively, thereby improving work efficiency. Additionally, Gather provides secure and reliable file storage and sharing functionalities, ensuring the security and confidentiality of company data. With Gather, enterprises can better manage and organize employees, and facilitate task assignment and project management. Overall, Gather is a highly practical enterprise communication tool that can enhance work efficiency and collaboration while protecting company data security.

6.3 Web-based Online Customer Service System

Gather can be used as a web-based online customer service system. It helps businesses respond quickly to customer inquiries, thereby improving customer satisfaction and loyalty. Gather facilitates fast communication between customers and customer service representatives through real-time chat functionality, enabling them to address various issues. Moreover, Gather supports multiple communication methods such as text, voice, and video, catering to different customer needs.

Gather also features intelligent customer service capabilities, automatically identifying customer needs and providing corresponding solutions. This helps businesses improve work efficiency, customer satisfaction, and reduces the cost of manual customer service. Additionally, Gather offers powerful data statistics and analysis functionalities, enabling businesses to understand customer needs and behaviors, providing insights for product and service optimization. Through Gather's data analysis capabilities, businesses can better understand customer needs and behaviors, improve customer service, and optimize customer service teams.

In summary, Gather, as a web-based online customer service system, offers various practical features and advantages, helping businesses improve customer satisfaction and work efficiency while reducing manual customer service costs.

6.4 Studio/Community Communication

Gather can serve as a platform for studio or community communication. Users can create their own groups on this platform, invite like-minded individuals to join, and share their ideas and experiences. Additionally, users can post topics for discussion, organize online or offline events, and encourage more people to participate, promoting communication and collaboration.

On Gather's studio or community communication platform, users can freely create and manage their own groups, and set group themes, members, and rules according to their needs. The platform also supports various communication methods such as text, voice, and video, catering to different user preferences.

Moreover, Gather offers robust data statistics and analysis capabilities, helping users understand group members' communication and behaviors, providing insights for group management and optimization. Through Gather's data analysis capabilities, users can better manage and operate their studios or communities.

In summary, Gather, as a studio or community communication platform, offers various practical features and advantages, helping users promote communication and collaboration while effectively managing and operating their studios or communities.

6.5 Business Negotiation Groups

Gather is an online business negotiation platform designed to provide enterprises with more efficient and convenient business cooperation opportunities. Through Gather, enterprises can create business negotiation groups, invite partners, customers, and business personnel to join, facilitating business communication and negotiation within the group.

Gather features include:

  1. Group Chat Functionality: Gather supports the creation of group chats, where all members must communicate within the group chat to ensure information transparency.

  2. Prohibition of Private Chats: To prevent business personnel and partners from conducting transactions privately, Gather prohibits private chats or adding friends between group members.

  3. Anonymous Communication: To protect user privacy, Gather allows users to participate in group chats anonymously, without displaying their wallet addresses and GIDs.

  4. Fairness: Gather establishes strict rules and procedures to ensure that all members joining the group cannot bypass business personnel for private transactions, ensuring the fairness and transparency of business operations.

  5. Security: Gather implements various security measures, including data encryption and prevention of malicious behavior, to ensure the security of user information and communication.

  6. User-Friendly: Gather has a simple and user-friendly interface, allowing users to easily create and manage business negotiation groups.

In summary, Gather is a highly practical online business negotiation platform, helping enterprises improve business efficiency and cooperation opportunities while ensuring the fairness and transparency of business operations.

6.6 Project Promotion Groups

Gather can be utilized as a platform for project promotion. Users can create project promotion groups, invite potential clients, investors, partners, and team members to join, and share project information and materials to promote and advertise their projects.

On Gather's project promotion platform, users can freely create and manage their project promotion groups, set group themes, members, and rules according to their needs. The platform also supports various communication methods such as text, voice, and video, catering to different user preferences.

Additionally, Gather offers powerful data statistics and analysis capabilities, helping users understand the communication and behaviors of group members, providing insights for group management and optimization. Through Gather's data analysis capabilities, users can better understand group members' communication and behaviors, provide insights for project promotion and management, and improve communication and collaboration within the group.

In summary, Gather, as a project-friendly promotion platform, offers various practical features and advantages, helping users promote and advertise their projects, facilitate communication and collaboration, and manage and operate groups in a scientific and user-friendly manner. This aligns well with the core values of Web 3.0 applications.

7. Gather Network Autonomy and Development

7.1 Establishment of Consensus through National Agencies

By establishing national-level agents and super nodes globally, Gather Company has constructed an efficient architecture aimed at providing high-quality services to users worldwide. This architecture endows Gather Company with strong consensus and belief, enabling its national-level agents to actively engage in brand promotion, roadshows, and sales efforts, attracting more users to utilize Gather Company's highly secure social products and even become consensus miners for Gather Company.

In this era of globalization, information exchange and privacy protection are becoming increasingly important. The secure chatting scenario developed by Gather Company meets this demand by providing users with a secure and private communication experience, alleviating concerns about information leakage and surveillance. Furthermore, by establishing super nodes and national-level agents, Gather Company accelerates its global expansion. These super nodes and agents not only help Gather Company expand its market but also provide stable and reliable service support, ensuring users consistently enjoy a good experience. Gather Company's architectural design reflects its firm belief in the future. It believes that with the development and popularization of blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies will receive increasing attention and recognition from the public. Therefore, by establishing a win-win mechanism with super nodes and national-level agents, Gather Company can not only provide users with more comprehensive services and a more robust network infrastructure but also seize opportunities for future development and become a leader in the industry.

7.2 DAO

Gather Company has also achieved more efficient and secure information exchange and decision-making through on-chain autonomy. Utilizing blockchain technology, Gather Company has established a decentralized autonomous mechanism, enabling users to autonomously manage their data and information and participate in community governance through computational voting.

This autonomous mechanism not only improves the efficiency and security of information exchange but also allows more users to participate in community decision-making, promoting healthier and more sustainable community development. Moreover, through on-chain governance, Gather Company safeguards the rights and interests of users, making them more confident in using Gather Company's products and services.

In summary, Gather Company, through the establishment of an efficient architecture, provision of secure communication experiences, acceleration of global development, and implementation of on-chain autonomy, provides users with more comprehensive, secure, and reliable services. By focusing on technology and application, Gather Company aims to become a leader in the cryptocurrency industry in the future.

7.3 Off-Chain Governance

Gather Company also places great emphasis on off-chain governance, committed to creating a compliant, safe, and stable business environment.

In terms of personnel management, Gather Company has established strict management systems, requiring employees to comply with national laws and regulations and company rules and regulations to ensure the company's business compliance and legality. Additionally, Gather Company has established a comprehensive internal supervision mechanism to prevent employee operational risks and misconduct.

In risk management, Gather Company has implemented various measures, including establishing a risk assessment mechanism and strengthening user identity authentication, to ensure the security of user information and communication. Furthermore, Gather Company actively cooperates with regulatory agencies to timely understand and respond to regulatory policies, ensuring the company's compliance and security.

In terms of social responsibility, Gather Company actively participates in public welfare activities and community development, making contributions to society. At the same time, Gather Company continuously optimizes its products and services to improve user experience and satisfaction, providing users with higher-quality services.

In summary, Gather Company also attaches great importance to off-chain governance, aiming to create a compliant, safe, and stable business environment for users through strict personnel management, comprehensive risk management, active engagement in social responsibility, and continuous optimization of products and services.

7.4 Roadmap

Gather Company has formulated a detailed ecosystem roadmap to showcase the company's future development direction and plans.

This ecosystem roadmap includes the following aspects:

2023 Q1

Establishment of Gather Limited in Hong Kong

Settling in the Digital Cyberport of Hong Kong Web3.0 Industrial Park

2023 Q2

Official entry of Gather Network into the R&D stage

Team expansion

DePIN hardware device design initiation

Partnership with Asia Pacific University of Technology

2023 Q3

First product launch event in Hong Kong

Commencement of DePIN device pre-sale

Signing of national agencies in Japan and Malaysia

2023 Q4

Formal cooperation with the Malaysian Ministry of Digitalization

Product development and verification

Commencement of device production

Construction of public chain network

Estimated investment of 26 million Malaysian Ringgit

Construction of Kuala Lumpur data center and property

Signing of South Korean national agency

2024 Q1

Joining the Blockchain Research Institute of Columbia University

Signing of agencies in Cambodia, Laos, Samoa, Vietnam, Dubai

Arrival of 5000 hardware devices shipped to Kuala Lumpur data center

Further internal testing of Gather Network

G-box listing, testing, and activation

Expected signing of agencies in Singapore and India

2024 Q2

Joining the Web3.0 Laboratory of Cambridge University

Joining the Web3.0 Park in Dubai

Opening ceremony of Kuala Lumpur data center

Simultaneous launch of governmental service database function

Trial operation of Malaysian government's digital office requirements

GAT listing on exchanges,

Launch of Gather application

2024 Q3

Launch of OS testing module for Gather

Allowing DApp development deployment

Allowing ecosystem operation based on Gather construction

Design of G-BOX 2nd generation product

2024 Q4

Internal testing of G-BOX 2nd generation product

Obtaining more cooperative institutions

2025 Q1

Testing and launch of G-Box 2nd generation product

Global data center deployment testing

Testing of communication information processing AI

2025 Q2

Advancement of Gather Network ecosystem application deployment

Establishment of developer community

Joint incubation of Gather Network applications with major institutions

2025 Q3-Q4

Operation of 100,000 G-Box nodes

Deployment of over 3 ground data centers

Meeting satellite signal interaction requirements

Testing of global communication capabilities


Landing of Gather Phone product line

Realization of global communication based on Gather Network

Realization of data communication based on Gather Network


Official launch of Gather Operating System

Landing of Gather Network digital bank

In conclusion, Gather Company's ecosystem roadmap aims to showcase the company's future development direction and plans. Through continuous improvement of products and services, enhanced technological innovation and cooperation, improved user experience and satisfaction, Gather Company aims to seize opportunities for future development and become a leader in the Web3.0 era.

8. Business Value of the Gather Network

The business value and applications of the Gather network mainly manifest in the following aspects:

  1. Data Security: The Gather network ensures the security and privacy of user data through advanced encryption technology and distributed storage methods. This enhanced security can attract many enterprises and individual users to utilize the Gather network for data storage and transmission, thereby creating business value.

  2. Efficient Transmission: The cloud space in the Gather network offers high-speed data transmission capabilities, allowing users to quickly upload and download data and files. This efficient data transmission can enhance work efficiency and user experience, thus generating business value.

  3. Flexible Scalability: The cloud space in the Gather network can flexibly expand according to user needs, enabling users to increase storage space or adjust storage configurations as required. This flexibility can meet the needs of different users, thereby creating business value.

  4. Community Governance Model: The Gather network adopts a community governance model, where community users autonomously manage, develop, and operate applications, ensuring openness and transparency. This community governance model can attract more developers and social participants, thereby creating business value.

  5. Decentralized Applications (DApps): The Gather network supports decentralized applications, allowing users to enjoy various DApps such as Gather Mini Programs. These decentralized applications can meet users' diverse needs, thereby creating business value.

  6. Cross-Platform Compatibility: The cloud space in the Gather network can run across different operating systems and devices, allowing users to use it anytime, anywhere. This cross-platform compatibility can attract more users to use the Gather network, thereby creating business value.

  7. Diverse Application Scenarios: The cloud space in the Gather network can be applied in various fields such as e-commerce, social media, education, finance, etc., providing users with diverse application scenarios. This diversity can meet the needs of different users, thereby creating business value.

  8. Distributed Cloud Computing Centers: Based on our own DePIN system, we can provide computing resources for different cloud computing scenarios in the long term and become a new source of computational power in the Web3 era.

In summary, the business value and applications of the Gather network primarily lie in data security, efficient transmission, flexible scalability, community governance model, decentralized applications, cross-platform compatibility, diverse application scenarios, and distributed cloud computing centers. These characteristics can attract more users and enterprises to utilize the Gather network, thereby generating business value and application prospects.

9. Team

9.1 Message

Thank you very much for your interest and recognition of Gather company! Our team is composed of passionate and creative individuals from different fields and backgrounds, all dedicated to providing the best products and services for our users.

Our team has rich experience in technical research and development and management, enabling us to quickly respond to market changes and user needs, continuously optimize products and services, and improve user experience and satisfaction. At the same time, we also emphasize team building and talent development, providing employees with a good working environment and development space, allowing team members to fully exert their talents and potentials.

We believe that only through continuous innovation and progress can we stand undefeated in the fierce market competition. We are willing to establish strategic partnerships with more partners to jointly promote business development and growth, and provide users with more comprehensive and rich services.

9.2 Leadership

The leader of Gather company is a professional with a deep technical background and rich management experience. He has worked in several well-known technology companies in technical research and development and management positions, accumulating rich technical and management experience. He is good at grasping market trends and user needs, pays attention to details and execution, and can quickly respond to market changes and user feedback.

As the leader of Gather company, he emphasizes team building and talent development, cares about the growth and development of employees, allowing team members to fully exert their talents and potentials. At the same time, he is committed to strengthening cooperation and communication with partners, jointly promoting business development and growth.

In the future development, he will continue to lead the team to innovate and make progress, improve product quality and service levels, strengthen brand promotion and market expansion, and provide users with better quality, convenient, and efficient services. At the same time, he will actively advocate green development and public welfare, making more contributions to society.

To connect more with the team, please follow Gather's official website and official media. After the Gather software is launched, we will have more interactive scenes with members on the Gather platform, allowing users to experience the product and better understand our growing team.

Thank you for your attention and support for Gather company. We will continue to provide you with the best products and services!

10. Collaboration and Institutions

During the past development and technological verification process, Gather has received technical cooperation and support from outstanding enterprises, institutions, and government departments from around the world. These enterprises, institutions, and government departments will continue to participate in the development, verification, and application of the Gather network, and Gather also hopes to attract more cooperative units to participate in this cause in the future. The following are some of the displayed collaboration institutions of Gather:

1. Malaysia Digital Ministry

Formerly known as the Malaysian Ministry of Communications and Digital, on December 12, 2023, with Prime Minister Anwar announcing the split of the Malaysian Ministry of Communications and Digital into two, establishing the new Digital Ministry and appointing Democratic Action Party's Acting Chairman Gobind Singh Deo as the Digital Minister, and Datuk Wilson Ugak Anak Kumbong from the Sarawak People's Party as the Deputy Minister. As early as 2023, the Malaysian Digital Ministry identified three main focuses: basic communication devices, network security, and digital investments.

Affiliated agencies include:

  • Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC)

  • Malaysia Network Information Center (MYNIC Berhad)

  • Malaysia Digital Agency (MyDIGITAL Corporation)

  • Malaysia Cyber Security Agency (CSM)

  • National Digital Network Company (DNB)

2. Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU)

Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU) is one of Malaysia's top private universities, known for its emphasis on education integrating technology, innovation, and creativity. APU nurtures talent capable of playing significant roles across various sectors globally. The university has garnered numerous prestigious awards nationally and internationally. APU collaborates with Gather Labs to establish an education, training, and talent selection system.

3. Cyberport Hong Kong

Cyberport focuses on the development of four digital technology domains: financial technology, e-commerce, Internet of Things/wearable technology, and big data/artificial intelligence, to drive the development of Hong Kong as a smart city. With a professional team offering comprehensive value-added services, Cyberport aims to become a flagship of Hong Kong's digital technology industry.

4. Columbia University Blockchain Research Center

In July 2018, Columbia University partnered with IBM to establish the Columbia University-IBM Blockchain and Data Transparency Research Center, located at Columbia University's Manhattan campus in New York City. The center incubates blockchain applications through the combination of academic and technical expertise. It aims to promote data transparency and the development and cross-industry application of blockchain technology, providing professional guidance on data regulation, and enhancing entrepreneurs' knowledge and skills in this field through education and internships.

5. Dubai Web3.0 Zone

In 2016, Dubai established the Global Blockchain Council and planned to comprehensively launch blockchain applications by 2020, making it the world's first region to fully apply blockchain. In 2020, Dubai released the "Dubai Blockchain Strategy 2020," aiming to become the world's first blockchain-powered city. Dubai's innovative regulatory system supports its Artificial Intelligence and Web 3.0 zones, aligning with the UAE's vision to become a global leader in AI and Web3.

6. University of Cambridge Web3.0 Laboratory

The University of Cambridge Web3.0 Laboratory is a specialized laboratory established by invitation from Binance for the development of the industry. It focuses on realizing more diverse application scenarios based on blockchain, particularly the zero-knowledge principle and cutting-edge encryption technology. By empowering users with end-to-end encryption capabilities, it enables them to control personal data, financial transactions, and user interactions. By prioritizing user privacy and eliminating implicit trust assumptions, it expands the adoption space for blockchain technology globally.

7. NVIDIA Web3 Laboratory

Gather has been named one of the whitelist members of the Web3 Laboratory established by NVIDIA in 2024. Since 2020, NVIDIA has generated significant commercial value in Web3 leveraging its advantages in GPUs. With the increasing adoption of the Proof-of-Stake mechanism, NVIDIA will focus on investing in and supporting projects in the DePIN track, which are more conducive to building a distributed computing power and secure network system, enabling NVIDIA to better leverage its leading edge in the chip field.

11. National Laws

As a Hong Kong-based technology company, Gather strictly adheres to national laws and regulations while actively fulfilling corporate social responsibilities. We recognize that only legal and compliant operations can ensure the company's long-term development and protect the interests of our users.

In our future development, Gather will further enhance our understanding and compliance with national laws and regulations. We will actively cooperate with regulatory agencies to ensure the legal compliance of our business operations. Additionally, we will continue to improve data security and privacy protection measures to safeguard the security and confidentiality of user data.

Furthermore, Gather will strengthen the review and management of our partners to ensure their legality and compliance, providing users with a safer and more stable business environment.

In summary, Gather will always adhere to the principles of legal compliance, providing users with safer, more reliable, and higher-quality products and services.

12. Regional Management

Gather has a large user base and numerous partners globally. To better meet the needs of users in different regions and provide more personalized services, we have established a comprehensive regional management system.

In terms of regional management, Gather has established multiple branches and representative offices covering major countries and regions worldwide. These branches and representative offices work closely with local users and partners to understand market demands and user feedback, providing more considerate and comprehensive services to local users.

Additionally, Gather has set up a multilingual customer service team capable of providing services in multiple languages to meet the language needs of users in different countries and regions. We also emphasize understanding and respecting local cultures and customs, providing services that align with local habits and preferences.

In terms of regional management, Gather also emphasizes communication and collaboration with local partners. We have established extensive partnerships with local technology companies, research institutions, government departments, etc., to jointly promote business development. Furthermore, we actively participate in local charity and social activities to make more contributions to society.

In conclusion, Gather's regional management system aims to provide users with more personalized and comprehensive services while establishing close cooperation with local users and partners to promote business development. Thank you for your attention and support for Gather!

13. Risks in Token Secondary Markets

As a company in the cryptocurrency field, Gather is acutely aware of the importance of risks in token secondary markets. The token secondary market refers to the trading market outside the issuance market, which is a crucial source of token liquidity. However, due to the volatility and uncertainty of the token market, there are risks associated with the secondary market.

Here are some potential risks in token secondary markets:

  1. Market volatility risk: The token market's prices are highly volatile, and prices may fluctuate significantly due to market sentiment, macroeconomic factors, policy changes, etc. This may lead to substantial losses for investors in a short period.

  2. Liquidity risk: Although Gather strives to ensure token liquidity, there is still a risk of inadequate liquidity in the token market. In some cases, investors may be unable to sell tokens at the desired price when needed.

  3. Regulatory risk: With the rapid development of cryptocurrencies, governments worldwide may introduce stricter regulatory policies, leading to increased volatility and uncertainty in the token market.

  4. Technical risk: Token technology itself also carries risks, such as hacking attacks, network failures, technical vulnerabilities, etc., which may have a negative impact on token prices.

To mitigate these risks, Gather has implemented various measures, such as enhancing token security, improving market transparency and liquidity, and strengthening communication and cooperation with regulatory agencies. Additionally, we advise investors to thoroughly understand market conditions and risks before investing and make decisions cautiously.

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